Archives 2022

Good Practices In Refrigerant Recovery

Have you ever heard of good refrigeration practices? It may seem complicated, but in practice, they are nothing more than small attitudes that guarantee the quality of service and safety during the installation and maintenance processes.

What are good refrigeration practices? 

We can consider leak detection activities, preventive maintenance, recording of reading data, as well as responsible handling and withdrawal of refrigerants that are widely used in the refrigeration and air conditioning sector as good practices.

Refrigerants, popularly known as refrigerant gases, are extremely harmful to the environment if released into the open air. That is why the ideal is to collect, recycle and regenerate these substances.

When performing maintenance, many technicians have the bad habit of opening the system valves and releasing the gas into the atmosphere, the correct thing to do is to follow good practices and know the techniques for collecting and reusing these fluids.

What are the refrigerant gas recycling stages?


The cooling fluid is collected through collection machines and bags instead of being disposed of in the open air. These are the types of the collection according to need:

  • Passive collection: Indicated for small amounts of fluids. It is done by means of the pressure difference between the equipment and the fluid storage equipment.
  • Active collection: Indicated for equipment with a large refrigerant charge. This method uses external equipment that expels the fluid from the apparatus and compresses it (gas phase) in a pressurized cylinder. This method guarantees efficiency of 99%.


After collection, the gases are directed to treatment stations where they are recycled and recharged in the system using a single piece of equipment. Recycling does not separate mixed liquids.

There the material passes through a filter where gas impurities such as particles, oil, moisture, acidity, and non-condensable gases are removed, completing the regeneration cycle.


Once regenerated, the gas can be reused, reducing the demand for new fluids. In order to receive the title of “reclaimed”, the cooling fluid must go through laboratory tests to reach a purity level of 99.8%, the same level as a completely new fluid, as mentioned above.

What to do before removing the gas from the air conditioner?

It is essential that the uninstallation and reinstallation processes are carried out in accordance with the technical and safety specifications. Only then will the air conditioner continue to work after being reinstalled.

Generally, the refrigerant gas collection procedure is carried out with a machine called a gas collection station or a vacuum pump. The equipment is connected to the compressor valves to capture the gas and return it after maintenance. But you can still collect gas for the condenser without using a gas collection station.

What does it mean to recover refrigerant gas?

Collecting the gas from the air conditioner means removing the liquid that passes through the air conditioner system. This gas can be stored in a temporary container or can be collected in the compressor.

How to introduce the gas in the bottle?

The withdrawal of the gas from the air conditioning to take it to the bottle can be done in the liquid or gaseous phase. The protocol also establishes that the cylinders must be returnable and comply with safety and handling regulations.

Proper maintenance of your Warehouse Freezer Room will boost its functionality and better the business flow in the long run. In case you need further help to restore your warehouse refrigeration system, consider a reputable commercial refrigeration company to help you out.



What is Customs Warehousing?

The customs warehouse is a warehouse where imported goods can be stored without having to pay the respective taxes. This, while its final destination is not defined, either outside or inside the country where the merchandise has arrived.

This type of warehouse is then an instrument that allows merchandise to be stored while the importer or operator does not enter it into the country. In that time interval, you will not have to pay any rights or go through an administrative procedure.

This tool can be used, for example, by intermediary companies that wish to maintain stock in a territory from where they can transport it to another country. Therefore, it would not make sense for them to pay import duty or Value Added Tax (VAT) while they do not leave the warehouse.

It should be noted that the customs warehouse has an unlimited time character, that is, there is no deadline to withdraw the merchandise. However, in the case of agricultural products, because they are perishable, they represent an exception. For this reason, they give a maximum period of six months for product withdrawal.

Ways to Finish Customs Warehousing

There are three ways to finish the customs warehouse:

  • Dispatch for free circulation: The good enters a country, where customs duties will be paid, but the final sale will take place in another country where VAT will have to be paid.
  • Dispatch for consumption: The imported merchandise enters the country and is sold in the same country, where customs duties and VAT will be paid.
  • Export: The merchandise is exported outside the US, so you would not pay any duty or tax.

What Types are There?

There are two types of deposits:

  • Public Customs Warehouses. The owner of the same is the “depository” and is characterized by the fact that any person (depositor) can introduce merchandise into them, in turn, depending on the responsibility, there are two subtypes:
    • Type 1. The responsibility can be both the depositary and the depositor.
    • Type 2. The responsibility falls on the depositor.
  • Private Customs Warehouses. It differs from the previous one in that only the “depository” owner can deposit merchandise.

In addition to the types mentioned, the Customs Authority may exceptionally authorize the inclusion of goods under customs warehousing in a place that does not have the status of customs warehousing.

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How To Extend The Life Of The Car Battery?

Good battery maintenance is essential to extend its useful life. As with most items, if they are not taken care of correctly, they are more likely to fail sooner. So that your car does not have problems with the battery before it is due, you should pay attention to the following tips:

  • It is important to choose the right battery. To do this, follow the specifications in the car’s maintenance book. If one is chosen that does not correspond, it could not supply enough for the electrical system and, therefore, trigger the risk of breakdowns in electro-mechanical components. In addition, it could also affect other factors such as increased fuel consumption.
  • Consider battery life. In general, a starter battery usually lasts between 3 and 5 years, so if these years have already passed, it should be checked annually along with the rest of the elements. This way you can anticipate changing it before it fails. If you check your charge yourself with a voltmeter, you should bear in mind that if it indicates 12.6 volts, it indicates a 100% charge, while 12.4 indicates a limited charge (<50%), and below that level, it will be necessary recharge it.
  • Do not expose it to high temperatures. As we mentioned at the beginning, extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can considerably reduce battery life. Therefore, if your car sleeps in a garage, it will always be a plus in the maintenance of this part.
  • Choose the charger well. If when measuring it with the voltmeter you see that the battery needs a charge, it is important to have the appropriate charger to recover it. There are portable batteries on the market that will help with this or, as you know, you can also recharge it with the help of another vehicle and some tweezers.
  • Attention to the terminals. It is important that the terminals are in good condition to prevent them from making bad contact and, therefore, not starting. Therefore, they must be cleaned well and remove their impurities. It is advisable to do it with the help of a brush, water, baking soda, and an antistatic cloth, as well as Vaseline or a specific spray for this.
  • The alternator must also be taken into account. In the same way that attention should be paid to the terminals, the alternator is another element that influences the battery. If it produces too much power, the battery will be overcharged and therefore wear out prematurely. On the other hand, if it does not generate enough energy, the battery does not recharge as it should and will not be able to meet the needs of the car’s electrical components.
  • If you don’t use the car, unplug it. It is important to disconnect the battery if the vehicle is not going to be used for a long period of time. To do this, the battery terminals must be disconnected, first the negative terminal that corresponds to the black cable and then the positive terminal, the one with the red cable.

Finally, be careful not to leave the headlights on for a long time without using the vehicle. Neither should the air conditioning or radio be used with the car stopped as it consumes battery power.

If you need professional car maintenance tips or your car needs to be checked by a professional, consider a trusted San Diego Dent Repair company. Avoid taking matters into your hands if you don’t know what to do.

How To Choose The Perfect Company To Send A Package

For a few years now, home deliveries have skyrocketed. Users have accommodated themselves to the advantages of online shopping and no longer want to know anything about standing in long queues or personally carrying packages to their homes, the digital age has become a bestseller!

With this boom, a number of parcel companies have come out to make shipments with a diversity of characteristics, qualities and rates. But how to choose the most suitable? In this article we explain how to do it step by step.

The speed

We live in the world of immediacy, so this is going to be one of the most important aspects when choosing a good courier company. Customers want their products to arrive at their homes as soon as possible and, on many occasions, they are even willing to pay a little more to do so. Look at the terms offered by each company before making a decision.

The different rates

Although speed is a value today, you should not take your eyes off budgets and look at the economy of your e-commerce or your store. It is good to look at it a bit with a magnifying glass, since, on some occasions, there are companies that seem more expensive but include a greater variety of services or shipping methods. Take everything into account to make a real assessment of the costs.

A shipping manager

A little advice to improve the quality of shipments and control the path of the parcel is to bet on applications. This will provide you with great comfort and will help you assess the quality of the company to which you are entrusting your transport, since you will have everything much more controlled first-hand to know how well they are working. It not only allows you to manage your business from the electronic devices you have in your possession, but also to find better prices! Use the platform to make a round business.

The conditions in international shipments

The Internet has made our markets expand like never before, with many facilities to trade with all parts of the world. This can be wonderful for expanding a business, but it can also be a real headache if we discover that the conditions of the courier company are very complex when operating abroad. Anticipate the circumstances and take a good look at this part of the conditions, even if you are not going to use it yet.

Extra services

Some parcel companies limit themselves to offering you juicy rates for the most basic services: taking the packages to your destination in a stipulated time. However, they can present complications if you need something else from them. Take into account all the extra services that can be included in their rates and that can benefit you. For example, direct customer service or an urgent delivery method in 24 hours. These are aspects that you may need more than you imagine at first and that will help make your business profitable.


What Can and Cannot Be Sent By Mail?

Although practically everything you can think of can be sent by parcel companies, there are some objects that are totally prohibited.

Whether for national territory or outside of it, there are policies on what is prohibited to send. In this article we will show you which those objects that cannot be sent are.

After extensive research and reviewing the policies of the main shipping companies, we saw what can be sent by companies and what cannot.

It is important that you take a look at this article so that you take your precautions.

It cannot be sent by post

These are, roughly speaking, what you cannot send by parcel, in any company in The US and surely in the world.

  • Firearms, explosives, triggers, even those that are thrown away at Christmas and parties, nothing that can make implosions.
  • Perishable food, except the companies commissioned for it.
  • Oxidants and organic peroxide.
  • Liquids, unless they are well packed and protected so they do not spill.
  • Radioactive, flaming, or magnetic material.
  • Substances that may be poisonous or infectious.
  • compressed gases
  • Lubricants, greases, oils.
  • Archaeological works.
  • Securities, such as money, gold, precious metals, coins, diamonds.
  • Spray.
  • Living beings, such as a cat or any animal (or human being).
  • Narcotic drugs, unless they are legal for medical use.
  • Objects that you do not have permission to send and without express authorization for that purpose.
  • Some companies do not allow pornography, especially if it is illegal, such as child pornography.
  • Exotic animal skins.

Check with each company what can be sent and what cannot, each company has its shipping policies and you have to take into account that some can accept what you want to send.

Now that what cannot be developed, then what can be sent:

It can be sent by post

Simple, everything else that is not reflected before. But we leave you a list of what you can send by companies, according to their policies:

  • Herbs and spices, which are properly identified by category and type.
  • Gold jewelry, which is ready to wear, not raw gold bullion or similar.
  • Alcoholic beverages that are properly packaged so that they do not break on the way, these bottles are usually made of glass.
  • Works of art with their corresponding invoice and that they are packed correctly so that they do not break on the way.
  • If they are perishable foods, find out the shipping conditions so that you comply with them and thus be able to send those foods to any part of The US.
  • Clothes, shoes and other fashionable things is the most sent.
  • Technological devices such as computers and similar equipment can be shipped, as long as they are well packed.
  • Cosmetics and beauty items
  • Items of all kinds for the home.
  • Everything else you can think of.

What defines what can or cannot be sent?

There are certain rules and restrictions for parcels across the country. The shipping companies are attached to them to receive or not the packages… Each one has the right to receive or not the packages.

Since 2011, regulations based on the Parcel and Courier Regulations have been in force throughout The US. It is a mandatory law.

So the companies are governed by that law and that’s where the refusal comes from when you try to send a product and they say it’s prohibited.

Although according to the Regulation of Messaging and Parcel of The US in its article 19, it says that no package can be opened.

That these are inviolable and can only be opened under express order issued by the corresponding entity, is a law that can change.

It is best to avoid confrontations with the law by risking sending a product that is strictly prohibited.

Make your shipment

Now that you know what can or can be sent, it is up to you to prepare your parcel and go to the company of your choice to place it.

Remember that you must pack it according to the content, protecting the packaging well so that it does not break during transport.

It also requires your invoice where the guide number appears so that you can track the package and know the stages of the trip. So you can be aware when it is about to reach the recipient.

The receipt is proof that you sent something with that company and guarantee for claims in case something unexpected happens with it.

Final recommendations

Depending on what you are going to send, check the labels of the product and its possible risks. Whether it contains liquid or gas, by making sure you can avoid accidents.

If you take these precautions, the shipments will be safer not only for you, but for all the packages that are traveling on the freight.

All shipments with dangerous goods must be packed and labeled as stipulated by the company in question.

A correct shipment and sticking to the rules guarantees the quality of the service of the company you have chosen.